● Welcome To TASS Academy
TASS Academy, the Sports Training Academy in London, is an international institution specializing in training, qualifying, and accrediting professionals in the sports field. The academy collaborates with governmental and international organizations to ensure quality and support its graduates in the sports job market. The academy was established in London and is licensed by the United Kingdom government under registration number 14574459. Its scientific curriculum and lecturers are accredited by the Faculty of Sports Science and Technology at the University of London, the International Federation of Fitness Coaches (IFFC), and the International Organization of Health Sciences and Nutrition (IOHS). Additionally, the academy has obtained membership and accreditation from the European Union and its agencies, as well as Erasmus grants under number E10318506.
The academy is committed to providing an exceptional and comprehensive learning environment for its students. Its goal is to develop the capabilities and skills of the learners, qualify them, and accredit them as specialists and experts in the sports field..
Erasmus Mundus
United Kingdom
London Intenational University (LIU)
Intenational Organization of Helath and Nutrition Sciences (IOHS)
International Federation of Fitness Coaches (IFFC)
Faculty oF Sports Scinence and Technlogy (FSST)